Wednesday, February 01, 2017

The Wedding of Zakariyya & Ili

Yes. We had another wedding in December last year.

Kata kawan2 yang rapat, Kak Azah nak kawinkan anak lagi??! Kerapnye anak2 kawin. Saya jawab selamba, abis tu anak2 rapat macam anak tangga.. nak buat macamana? Dan saya sambung, korang yang dah kawin pun nak kahwin lagi. Ni kan budak2 bujang. Hahaha. Kami gelak besar lepas tu. 😊

Anyways. Alhamdulillah. Saya suka budak2 ni abis kawin cepat. Rasa macam selesai satu bab and they can get on with next stage of life. Kata hati saya.

I was quite clueless about the wedding sebenarnye. Balik haji macam tak berapa boleh nak fokus kat kerja kawin ni and I have that panicky feeling like I dont have enough time to prepare for it. So we kept things as simple as possible. I dont have bunga pahar sekali ni (but then neither did I for the last wedding come to think of it). Dan buah tangan sangat simple; takde nak twirl2 manik mutiara dengan wires. Payah.

And somehow it felt like I did the hantaran a thousand times before we finally got it right. Dried lavenders lah. Roses lah. Sampai rasa stressed ke anak telinga dibuatnye. Hahaha. In the end the hantaran turned out sangat simple and ala minimalist. Which I like.

Most of these stuff are mine. Senang rasanya bila ada kerja kawin bawak kluar je dari stor.. anak ramai tadi kan.. (I made these masa Zuf&Ilyas kawin. Alas tu guna cake board that I filled with batting and covered with ala silk curtain material. Dan berpeluh tau akak jahit that decoration kat bucu tu.. Tak sedar pulak yang saya ni sangat gigih! haha)

Anyway. We did the dewan reservation sebelum berangkat ke haji; dengan pesanan pada sales rep tu that I will pay the deposit once I return dr tanah suci. Punyalah baiknye budak itu pun. Sebabnya tak bayar pasal feeling sukakan dewan tak berapa terbuku di hati masa tu. Sabaq je lah.

But the dewan turned out to be beautiful and we so love it.

Sebak pulak bila langkah masuk dewan tengok wedding decorator hias dewan dengan simple tapi sangat sweet (thank you Ayu Deco - she is on ig if you are interested). Exactly how I like it. We had the reception at Felda dSaji Titiwangsa. Kami suka that indoor-outdoor atmosphere. Pun macam wedding Luman/Izy previously di Felda's Casa Haleconia. With greens around. Having a wedding in a dewan is nice but lacks that element of space and freedom (haha cakap pandai..) Well at least that is what I think.

We love the cake made by TheKitchenGuardian. Sangat ohsem. Dan sedap. We had 3 different flavors in there tapi apa saya dah tak ingat apa. Hahaha.

Thank you everybody who were so kind to attend our event. Semoga Allah merahmati sehingga abadi..

 Thank you also to the sporting dulang boys (Luqman tanya kenapa kena ada dulang boys? Antie2 kan ada? To which I said, antie2 dah tua tangan dah keras nak angkat dulang pun dah tak larat..)

Like father, like son..

Reception at Ili's. It was beautiful. Sweet. Cantik. Bergaya. All pretty words to describe the majlis. I cant find one word to describe it.

Semoga dirahmati Allah sentiasa. Di bawah lindunganNya. Dan dimurahkan rezeki. Hingga abadi InsyaAllah. Ili&Kaia.

And the thought that came to mind is banyak sangat nikmat kurniaan Allah. Have we been taat enough?

Maka nikmat2 Allah yang mana yang ingin kita dustakan?

~ AllahuAkbar