Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Beautiful Pictures (and Stories)

I found these beautiful images from an MCMC broadband promo video. I do apologize for the quality of the pictures, but they are too good not to share.

 These are from a kapok industry. Teringat masa kecik mak suruh kait dan kutip kekabu untuk bantal.

And these from a seaweed farmer in Sabah. (Reminds me of kawan2 Ilyas yang mencebur dalam industri ni di Sandakan / Semporna but came back home after a couple of years. The locals sometimes ambushed their crops. But I do admire their courage and persistence).

I wish I could share the videos with you but they are posted on the company's internal website. Cerita dari hidup susah until they become successful entrepreneurs.

~ xoxo

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