Sunday, December 14, 2014

On A Stint Away

Kadang2 boleh heart attack dibuatnye dengan anak2.

The other day lepas subuh Eirfan had said, mama kita kena pergi register PLKN harini. I said what?!! He said the website says so. Today.

To cut the long story short, we dragged a bag out for him, get all his clothes and other stuff he requires into it and went to the registration site. But after checking at the camp we were told to come back in two days time for registration (seriously! So tell me, do you trust all that you read on the net?)

Tolonglah update website tu betul2 bagi clear. Of course I made my dissatisfaction clear at the camp and also later when I call their helpdesk..

So we went back two days later untuk registration yang sebetulnye.

Nasib baik saya tak menangis macam dua orang emak yang saya nampak mengesat airmata (considering that this is his first time away from home). Eirfan pun nampak cool je (but hates the fact that we make him tangkap gambar sana-sini..)


Hopefully he'll be ok; have an awesome time away; mature out a bit more, learn to mix around; and before I know it he'll be back again. InsyaaAllah.

You have a good week ahead darlings!

~ xoxo

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