Monday, September 15, 2014

Pizza-licious (Talk About Being Inspired!)

So I came back from Tim's Teapot Terrace thinking I must make (even) better lasagna. Learn how to make a decent chicken pie and a killer quiche.

And ended up making pizza instead today.. (there was co-incidently, this great show on pizza on AFC today).

Anyway. I blew the dust off my Jaime's Naked Chef cookbook and rolled up my sleeves for the dough. According to the recipe you must knead the dough for 5 mins. That might not be long if you are watching tv or on the phone, but 5 mins of kneading is one serious workout. Dah letih baru teringat my KMix actually has a hook that can knead dough for me (humpfh!) I will use that next time.

These days I only use plum tomatoes in my sauce. They make a whole world of difference, trust me.

I said, you look like you've got some muscles, please can you punch down the dough for me (the second time around)?

See how beautiful the dough look? I was pretty impressed myself.

And I have to have lots of mushroom on my pizza.

And olives for hubs (I seriously need to learn to love olives). Why oh why didnt I get those pitted ones?)

And anything with tomatoes has got to have fresh basil (from the garden - not that I have a garden come to think of it) on it these days.

Voilà! (But. Pssst - you can tell I have a problem with the oven from the uneven color of the baked cheese)

Anak2 kata sedap (I put lots and lots of cheese, salami and pineapple for them, mesti lah sedap). Personally I dont think I can serve this to any guests yet.

So no recipe at this point. Nanti saya pandai then I will share.

So what's your inspiration these days?

~ xoxo


  1. i nak resepi killer quiche please. yg takda crust

  2. Jangan kata killer quiche recipe; a decent quiche pun saya tak tahu nak buat. Ada buat 2-3 kali but no takers from anyone.. But the quiche at Tim's ada crust.
