Saturday, September 06, 2014


Early in the year he sent us photos from Jubail -

Like how cheap the gas is. And how ribut pasir would engulf the town (and yippee - no field work for a short while)

And how orang Arab makan atas alas (years ago we were surprised that our roti dicampak ke atas alas kertas suratkhabar..)

He was home from Jubail for a couple of weeks of raya leave.

How did we ever survived without selfies?

We managed to squeeze in a few family get-togethers in between his very tight schedule. Dia pergi kenduri kawan kawen, kawan bertunang, futsal, bolasepak, gym with friends, movies (kat Jubail takde movie theaters..), kuliah Habeeb Ali (Subhanallah), etc etc.

And he loves to take photos with the babies.

And then left for work again.

(and totally forgot to change shoes. I thought he wanted to travel in these flip flops)

We'll see him in a few months time. InsyaaAllah.

Semoga sentiasa di dalam lindungan dan rahmat Allah (sila ameen-kan. Syukran).

~ xoxo


  1. if my mak can see, she would be like you, writing about life, about her beloved kids and husband, siblings, neighbours, cooking, traveling... i believe. *tears.....*

  2. Doa la banyak2.. (what else is there to say?)
