Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Syawal Tiba : Raya Snippets

Selamat Hari Raya.

Thank you to all that had sent HR wishes. Sorry I didnt reply to some; I was rather in an in-communicado situation (I was in charge of mum, the kitchen, the guests etc etc). So somewhat running like a headless chicken so to speak.

Namun. Ampun maaf banyak2 diminta pada semua. Seikhlas2nya.

Again, our raya photos are rather limited this year.. Efan was in charge of the camera this time..

 That is our old(er) house at the back. Rumah papan where we grew up in.

Alhamdulillah. Tahun ni dia beraya dengan kami (and refusing to return to Saudi again. For now).

As usual, mesti ada gambar raya yang skema. Tahun ini kami buat freedom baju raya - ie tak ada bertema2 (payah nak kelola..)

Baju Umar dan Sara tu nenna yang belikan dan tempah (thank you Dib!) Konon nak jahit sendiri (mungkin bila kucing bertanduk..)

I love these raya tudungs; although they are rather elaborate in a way (at least for me). But I have seen prettier and even more elaborate tudungs worn by some tapi nampak cantiiik aja.

They are from Sookascarf on fb, if you are interested..

Everybody in the family went hoo-haa over mum's wajik. I posted the recipe on our group wa, and then agak2 2 hari topik wajik berlegar di situ. To celebrate the greatness (haha, konon) of the recipe let me share that here also.

Enjoy the kati and cupak measurement! (which had caused the big havoc on wa the other day)

Were you caught up in the traffic madness this raya? We were, both whilst coming in and out of the city. That was unavoidable though. But we were quite patient and therefore the experience was rather tolerable.

Dan kata ustaz, kalau nak tengok Ramadhan kita berhasil atau tidak, lihatlah diri kita setelah berakhirnya Ramadhan. Kalau kita mudah berpuasa, mudah mengaji, mudah bangun malam semudah kita buat semasa Ramadhan, berkatlah maknanya Ramadhan kita yang lepas..

And I suppose as always, we will raya till the end of Syawal.

~ xoxo

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